MN Brewers Cup and Awards Info
Account Registration
Registration is closed.
Entry Registration
Entry registration is closed.
Regitration closed February 10. Final payments and edits can occur until noon February 12.
Review all competition details on the INFO tab (above).
>> Click here for registration instructions with screenshots.
This competition, organized by the Minnesota Craft Brewers Guild, is open to 2025 MNCBG brewery and brewpub members ONLY. Non-members will be contacted to join the Guild, or will be disqualified.
Please review all competition details on the INFO tab (above) of this website. Additional information below:
- NEW THIS YEAR: NA BEER CATEGORY. To encourage entries, we're offering a 30% discount ($15) off your NA Beer entry registration. Use code NABeer when paying.
- NEW THIS YEAR: ENTRY SHIPMENT ACCEPTED FOR MEMBERS 70+ MILES FROM MPLS. Sign-Up by March 1 Required, see all details on the sign up form. Thank you to our host Pryes Brewing Company for facilitating shipping!
- REGISTRATION, CHANGES, AND PAYMENT: Any changes to your entries, and payment for all entries must be made through this website by February 10, 2025. Entries with nonpayment will be disqualified. No refunds after the registration deadline closes.
- DROP-OFF/SHIPPING: Review Drop-Off details listed on this website (INFO tab) carefully. Entries from members 70+ miles from Minneapolis can be shipped ONLY IF YOU SIGNED UP ON THIS FORM BY MARCH 1; all shipping rules must be followed. The competition organizers are not responsible for miscategorized entries, entries that are not received by the entry deadline, or entries that arrived damaged or unlabled; these will be disqualified (no refunds). Packaging will not be returned.
- JUDGING: This competition is judged using the 2021 BJCP guidelines. Sign Up to Judge Here.
- AWARD CATEGORIES: The competition committee reserves the right to combine overall style categories based on the number of entries. All possible efforts will be made to combine similar styles. All entries in combined categories will be judged according to the style they were originally entered in. You can see how we combined all submitted BJCP subcategories into 23 Award Categories for last year's competition on this document (this is only intended as reference and does not represent how the categories will be sorted this year).
- MEMBER VOTED AWARDS: Cast Your Vote in the Member-Voted Awards! Vote on Most Innovative Brewery, Best Art/Design, Best Collab, Best Member Volunteer, & Outstanding Allied Trade Member.
BJCP 2021 Judging Styles
If a style's name is hyperlinked, it has specific entry requirements. Select or tap on the name to view the subcategory's requirements.
1A American Light Lager | 1B American Lager | 1C Cream Ale |
1D American Wheat Beer | 2A International Pale Lager | 2B International Amber Lager |
2C International Dark Lager | 3A Czech Pale Lager | 3B Czech Premium Pale Lager |
3C Czech Amber Lager | 3D Czech Dark Lager | 4A Munich Helles |
4B Festbier | 4C Helles Bock | 5A German Leichtbier |
5B Kölsch | 5C German Helles Exportbier | 5D German Pils |
6A Märzen | 6B Rauchbier | 6C Dunkels Bock |
7A Vienna Lager | 7B Altbier | 8A Munich Dunkel |
8B Schwarzbier | 9A Doppelbock | 9B Eisbock |
9C Baltic Porter | 10A Weissbier | 10B Dunkels Weissbier |
10C Weizenbock | 11A Ordinary Bitter | 11B Best Bitter |
11C Strong Bitter | 12A British Golden Ale | 12B Australian Sparkling Ale |
12C English IPA | 13A Dark Mild | 13B British Brown Ale |
13C English Porter | 14A Scottish Light | 14B Scottish Heavy |
14C Scottish Export | 15A Irish Red Ale | 15B Irish Stout |
15C Irish Extra Stout | 16A Sweet Stout | 16B Oatmeal Stout |
16C Tropical Stout | 16D Foreign Extra Stout | 17A British Strong Ale |
17A1 Burton Ale | 17B Old Ale | 17C Wee Heavy |
17D English Barley Wine | 18A Blonde Ale | 18B American Pale Ale |
19A American Amber Ale | 19B California Common | 19C American Brown Ale |
20A American Porter | 20B American Stout | 20C Imperial Stout |
21A American IPA | 21B Specialty IPA | 21B1 Belgian IPA |
21B2 Black IPA | 21B3 Brown IPA | 21B4 Red IPA |
21B5 Rye IPA | 21B6 White IPA | 21B7 Brut IPA |
21C Hazy IPA | 22A Double IPA | 22B American Strong Ale |
22C American Barleywine | 22D Wheatwine | 23A Berliner Weisse |
23B Flanders Red Ale | 23C Oud Bruin | 23D Lambic |
23E Gueuze | 23F Fruit Lambic | 23G Gose |
24A Witbier | 24B Belgian Pale Ale | 24C Bière de Garde |
25A Belgian Blond Ale | 25B Saison | 25C Belgian Golden Strong Ale |
26A Belgian Single | 26B Belgian Dubbel | 26C Belgian Tripel |
26D Belgian Dark Strong Ale | 27A Historical Beer | 27A1 Kellerbier |
27A2 Kentucky Common | 27A3 Lichtenhainer | 27A4 London Brown Ale |
27A5 Piwo Grodziskie | 27A6 Pre-Prohibition Lager | 27A7 Pre-Prohibition Porter |
27A8 Roggenbier | 27A9 Sahti | 28A Brett Beer |
28B Mixed Fermentation Sour Beer | 28C Wild Specialty Beer | 28D Straight Sour Beer |
29A Fruit Beer | 29B Fruit and Spice Beer | 29C Specialty Fruit Beer |
29D Grape Ale | 30A Spice, Herb, or Vegetable Beer | 30B Autumn Seasonal Beer |
30C Winter Seasonal Beer | 30D Specialty Spice Beer | 31A Alternative Grain Beer |
31B Alternative Sugar Beer | 32A Classic Style Smoked Beer | 32B Specialty Smoked Beer |
33A Wood-Aged Beer | 33B Specialty Wood-Aged Beer | 34A Commercial Specialty Beer |
34B Mixed-Style Beer | 34C Experimental Beer | 35A Hard seltzer (Custom Style) |
36A N.A. beer (Custom Style) | LSX3 Italian Grape Ale | LSX4 Catharina Sour |
LSX5 New Zealand Pilsner |
Number of Bottles Required Per Entry: 3
Judging Sessions and Dates
MNGBC Friday Judging
Friday, March 14, 2025 5:00 PM, CDT through Friday, March 14, 2025 9:00 PM, CDT
Blind judging
MNGBC Saturday Judging
Saturday, March 15, 2025 10:00 AM, CDT through Saturday, March 15, 2025 9:00 PM, CDT
Blind judging
The awards ceremony will take place on Friday, April 11 from 6:30-10:30. Brewers Cup Awards Ceremony tickets must be purchased in advance to attend. Please visit our website to learn more and purchase.
Places will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in each award category where appropriate. If judges believe that no beer in the category meets the quality and style-accuracy criteria, they may elect not to award a place. The 1st place entry in each award category will advance to the Best of Show (BOS) round with a single, overall best entry selected. Additional prizes may be awarded at the awards ceremony at the discretion of the competition organizers.
Awards will be announced on MNCBG social media and published on the MNCBG website following the Awards Ceremony. Score sheets will be emailed to each registered brewery following the Awards Ceremony.
Awards Ceremony
Hilton Minneapolis St. Paul Airport
3800 American Blvd E, Bloomington, MN 55425
Friday, April 11, 2025 6:30 PM, CDT